

来源:上海交通大学官网  2020-02-07 12:43:59   586 阅读


为加强新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作,学校决定推迟2020 年春季学期开学时间,要求全体同学务必不要提前返校。现将与研究生延期开学有关的具体事项通知如下:

1、学校已决定推迟2020 年春季学期开学时间,具体开学时间学校将另行通知。原定研究生课程补退选、成绩复议、本科生提前修读研究生课程、交换生旁听生选课时间等将随新的开学时间作相应的安排,具体时间将另行通知。


3、对于拟于2020 年3 月申请学位的研究生的论文答辩、申请学位、论文归档等的截止时间,研究生院将根据新的开学时间作相应的调整。







A Letter to All Graduate Students of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dear graduate students of SJTU,

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has decided upon and announced the postponement of the opening of the 2020 spring semester to prevent and control the spread of the novel coronavirus, and required that ALL SJTU students NOT to return to the university in advance. And here are relevant issues in graduate education at SJTU with regard to postponement in the start of the new semester, for your notice.

1. The university has decided that the start of the 2020 spring semester is postponed and the exact date will be announced later. Schedules for graduate course re-selection, grade review, undergraduate students taking graduate courses in advance, and time for exchange students to select auditing courses will be rearranged accordingly with the new semester starting date, and therefore, be notified later, after the new semester starting date is announced.

2. In cases of extension, resumption, and completion of graduate study that should have been applied and handled during the epidemic prevention and control period, deadlines will be extended accordingly with the postponement of the spring semester starting date. These applications will be accepted and handled after the official start of the spring semester.

3. For graduate students who intend to apply for a degree in March 2020, deadlines for thesis defense, application for a degree, and the filing of the thesis will be rearranged accordingly with the new semester start.

4. We insist that SJTU students shall be on high  of this epidemic and for your own as well as your family’s good health, please keep away from gatherings and unnecessary mobility. It is suggested that you maintain regular contact with your supervisors distantly and conduct your academic work under remote guidance from your supervisors, while exercising properly and keeping fit.

5. Before the official start of the spring semester, all teaching activities will be paused, and no students from other universities, college or schools will be allowed to come to SJTU  for study or exchange. SJTU graduate students that are already on campus at this time must take adequate precaution while conducting research.

All graduate students, please report your personal whereabouts and relevant information, as requested by the university, to your supervisors and schools/departments. In case of special occasions or emergency, please contact them immediately. We also advise graduate students to provide good will, help and care to your fellow students coming from central epidemic areas. Should you have any questions, please contact your school/department’s staff for graduate education at any time. You are also welcome to contact the Graduate School at

Thank you very much for your understanding, cooperation and support.

Graduate School

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
